Perhaps you remember where you were when you first heard that Russia had invaded Ukraine? But more than likely, when you did hear about it, you thought something like: “
Well, that’s too bad, but why should this far-off war really affect me?” After all, when Russia invaded neighboring Crimea in 2014, life for most of us pretty much went on as usual.
Should Russia’s invasion of Ukraine be any different?
Inflation, Gas Prices, Nukes, and Food Shortages
Well … it has been different. Big time. And we may be seeing only the beginning of the negative impacts of this war.
Look at what we are paying at the pump; in some places, drivers are forking over 50 to 60 percent more for gas than what they paid before the war. And with less money in our pockets as a result, the less other goods we can buy, which hurts businesses everywhere, leading to more economic problems: “Energy costs are a major contributor to the decades-high inflation numbers showing up, as prices for all manner of goods and services march higher.” Who among us can really afford to be paying more for the same goods and services? [1]
And although we all know about the threat of nuclear weapons, only after the invasion did we start to hear talk of the use of nuclear weapons, a threat long forgotten since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Would Putin use them? How would others respond if he did?
Recently, Mitt Romney, senator from Utah and former presidential candidate, warned that the invasion could lead to some form of a nuclear strike, which would have terrible repercussions, not just for those directly impacted by the weapon, but for the world’s political, social, and economic order. The world would be forced to react. “The potential responses to an act so heinous and geopolitically disorienting as a nuclear strike,” Romney warned, “must be optimally designed and have the support of our NATO allies.” While the use of nuclear weapons anytime soon is unlikely, Russia’s mere saber-rattling about them has been enough to rattle nerves, which could impact investing and the economy in general.
And directly related to the war is a looming food crisis in parts of the world. Ukraine has been a significant source of wheat and other grains, and Russia has blocked most of its major ports, cutting off the goods. Warns the United Nations World Food Program: “The devastating eruption of war in Ukraine is driving millions from their homes and now, the consequences of the conflict are radiating outwards, triggering a wave of hunger in the immediate region and around the world.” [3]
Yes, the world wants this war to end—which might go a long way in explaining a recent headline in the National Catholic Reporter: “US Vatican ambassador: World is looking to Pope Francis to help end Ukraine war.” That is, according to the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, if anyone had the influence, the gravitas, the moral power to help bring this war to an end, it would be Pope Francis. [4]
The article quoted the newly appointed U.S. ambassador, Joseph Donnelly, as also saying, “I know that the rest of the world, when they hope for one person to solve this problem, they look at the pope.” He said this in his first interview with a U.S. news agency since his arrival in Rome. He continued, stressing that “the United States will do anything humanly possible to partner with the Vatican or anyone else to see a peaceful conclusion to Ukraine.” [5]
A Complicated Situation
At first glance, it might be hard to see how an alliance between the United States and the Vatican could have a significant influence on this conflict. Besides the geopolitical questions about East versus West, particularly Russia against NATO, it also involves the Russian Orthodox Church against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. With both churches having a long-standing aversion to Rome going back hundreds of years, particularly against the authority of the pope, it’s not easy to see how the Vatican could help solve the complicated situation.
At the same time, the papacy has, in recent years, become a powerful player on the world stage. The pope is a highly regarded figure, often commanding great respect, even authority, among millions, including with many non-Roman Catholics. Meanwhile, the United States remains the most powerful and influential political figure, with a massive military to back up that influence.
Exactly how these forces, the office and prestige of the papacy, now under Pope Francis, and the might and power of the United States, could bring about the end of this conflict is, for the moment, not clear. They certainly could, and should, have a role, perhaps a big one, in finding a solution to a war that is causing a great deal of suffering and hardship.
A Prophetic Angle
What is most fascinating, however, about the idea of Rome and the United States uniting is that something just like this has been predicted in the Bible. Though filled with symbols, the book of Revelation gives us the Bible’s clearest depiction of events on Earth prior to the Second Coming of Jesus. If there is one thing that many agree on now, it’s that, with the world in such chaos, Jesus must be returning soon.
What, then, does the Bible teach about such an alliance between these two world powers? And could the war in Ukraine be a means of maturing this alliance into something even more powerful and dangerous? To learn more for yourself, watch “The USA in Bible Prophecy.” [6]
[1] https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/19/fuel-is-a-problem-for-business-and-consumers-why-prices-are-so-high.html
[2] https://nypost.com/2022/05/21/mitt-romney-calls-on-nato-to-prepare-for-russian-nukes/
[3] https://secure.wfpusa.org/donate/ukraineconflict-gsst?ms=GS_Q2_EMR_Ukraine_Terms&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvqeUBhCBARIsAOdt45b0eONI2sy5aDE3e4BtL1DhyBYMYS_SMuL6caj9UBboBmdWLvPhhy0aAmXLEALw_wcB
[4] [5] https://www.ncronline.org/news/people/us-vatican-ambassador-world-looking-pope-francis-help-end-ukraine-war
[6] https://www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/media/e/365/t/usa-in-bible-prophecy